Does OHIP cover chiropractic care or massage therapy?
No, unfortunately OHIP does not cover chiropractic or massage services. The only paramedical service that OHIP will cover is physiotherapy; although availability and locations are limited. Click here for the closest location nearest you. There are very strict regulations regarding who qualifies for this type of care. Patients must
● Be a long term care resident older than 18 years of age; or
● discharged as an inpatient of a hospital after an overnight stay; or
● be registered with Ontario Works or Ontario Disabilities Support Program (ODSP); or
● be under 18 years of age or over 65 years of age
There are a number of free services and resources available to Ontarians for chronic conditions such as arthritis, hip, knee and low back pain. Please click on the links below for more information. Self referral and/or family physician referral options are both available.
Arthritis Rehabilitation and Education Program (AREP) - self referral
Rapid Access Clinics for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis - doctor referral required
Intraprofessional Spine Assessment and and Education Clinics (ISAEC) - doctor referral required